Get the ASCII string for Decimal number in your data - reformat with Python

Once while writing a spider for a site, I came across some data that were not ASCII, rather had the ASCII value in the format '&#123' ... so I wrote a function myself to reformat the data (replace those with their corresponding ASCII values). But I had a feel that it was not Pythonic. So I searched Google, and found the following function that does the same task in a Pythonic way. Unfortunately I forgot from where I got it :(
def asciirepl(self, match):
"Return the ascii string for a decimal number"
s =
value = int(s[2:-1])
if value > 255:
return ''
return chr(value)

def reformat_content(self, data):
p = re.compile(r'&#(\d+);')
return p.sub(self.asciirepl, data)


varunthacker said…
use ord('ascci symbol/character')

my blog

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