How to think like a (Python) programmer - Free eBook

I just found this book couple of days ago. Though it won't be very useful for me to learn Python (as I already familiar with Python), I think it's an excellent book for Python newbies even with no prior programming experience. It can also be used for teaching a one semester programming course - the author wrote the book for this purpose!

The book is divided into 19 chapters that covers programming fundamentals, python fundamentals, python data structures, object oriented programming, and the last chapter introduces to GUI programming with Python (Tkinter).

The book is released under the GNU Free Documentation License!

You can get the it from here. Download is free!

Post your comments on the book.


Unknown said…
Great book, that. Wish it had been available to me when I took up the hobby.
Shane said…
Nice resource. I also liked "Learn Python the Hard Way" quite a bit.
Munira said…
I am practicing python from this book.This book is really good for learning basic python as a language.Besides this, I am also practicing python from "Python programming for the absolute beginner" by M. Dawson.This book is awesome for those persons who want to develop game(like me). Without installing pygame anybody can create simple logic game.I made my first "Tic-Tac-Toe" games by following this book.

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