PyHP - Python Hypertext Preprocessor

Couple of months ago, I was trying to embed Python code into HTML. After given the problem to solve, I was planning for a solution and looking into Python libraries. Suddenly I thought, why not spend some time in google to see if there already exists something similar. Actually I was looking for something very simple and I got one!!! It's called PyHP - Python Hypertext Preprocessor. Thank God, I didn't have to reinvent the wheel, as it was almost the similar thing what I was thinking to build. It's a small, fast, hypertext preprocessor in my favorite language - Python. And of course it is open source. The only thing I needed to change in the code is, I made the code to print output in a html file rather than in console. It was just a simple tweak.

Download and play with PyHP - Python Hypertext Preprocessor. You can use it as a standalone program, or use it with Apache's mod-python.

Enjoy Programming, Enjoy Python!


Unknown said…
you should check out Django

it's heavily used and very powerful. Also open source
Tamim Shahriar said…
Thanks. I heard about django and also have some experience with Pylons. These are great web development frameworks. But PyHP is very small (tiny actually) and easy to use. And ofcourse its suitable only for testing/playing and working with much smaller websites.
Fabio Rotondo said…

I think you should try PyHP (yes, another piece of software with the same name of what you are talking about):

it is heavily developed and supported and it looks very similar and feature rich as PHP.

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