py60 - Python for S60

Yes, I have started using Python in my mobile phone !!!

Python for S60 is Nokia's port of the Python language to the S60 smartphone platform. In addition to the standard features of the Python language, PyS60 provides access to many of the phone's uniquely smartphone-y functions, such as camera, contacts, calendar, audio recording and playing, TCP/IP and Bluetooth communications and simple telephony.

You can use emulator or your mobile phone (S60 platform) to run/test python programs. I use my Nokia N70 to run python and so far it's great fun! You can write the program in your computer and transfer it to your mobile phone. There is an interactive console in the mobile phone so that you can write your program directly in the mobile phone. There is another blue-tooth based console which I haven't tried yet.

You can download the latest version of pyS60 from sourceforge.

And I am using this tutorial in my py60 adventure.

Let me know about your experience if you are using py60/pyS60.


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