Python for Kids

I am volunteering in a pilot project that targets to teach programming to school kids (class VIII-IX). My responsibility is to design the course. I have been researching about this and decided to use Python (not because it's my favorite language but because I think teaching Python would be a good idea).

If anybody can share any useful resource, links or suggestions it will be highly appreciated.

I shall keep you updated about the outcome of the project.


saikat_rt said…
I'll try to do something.

wishing u best of luck in every steps of it.
pmarshwx said…
I suggest you start with Software Carpentry by Greg Wilson. Although a bit in depth, it might contain ideas as to where to begin.
Eduardo Luttner said…
That is really a great idea.

I believe that would be interesting if the kids could develop a small game. Would make it funnier and more interesting, instead of data processing scripts :)

I wold love to see the outcome.

I will be glad to help if you need.
Tamim Shahriar said…
I checked the software-carpentry. It's good. I think it's better suited for more mature students not 12-14 yrs kids.

Teaching programming by writing computer games is a good approach I think. I found this one interesting:
Unknown said…
Check the livewires course:
It may be a little bit outdated, but there are very nices ideas there!
saikat_rt said…
this book might be useful...
Karol said…
I found this entry by accident, digging Python for my own use (I am still a beginner, but after a first glance I love it!).

I remember that in my secondary (Poland, 12-15 years old) I started with Logo and then moved to Pascal. The thing that was great about Logo, was the fact that basically every action could be easily shown by graphics. I still think that Logo is a great language to start with.

What I think would be a good idea is to use a very simple graphics library. I don't know any Python libraries (I'm new to Python), but something like Java's Processing ( could come in handy. It's dead simple to draw primitives etc. I know a python implementation called pyprocessing.

Good luck with your work! Don't forget to teach the kids some math and most of all to encourage them to think! This is what I lacked the most in my secondary ;)
Anonymous said…
Look up Kirby Urner. He does a lot with Python in the classroom.
Anonymous said…
I'll second "Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python", adding that while some kids might not be able to handle some of the more abstract programming techniques, most everything in IYOCG should be within the grasp of 10-12 year olds, provided the concepts are explained someone with a passion for the language.

While it's never good to overload children and turn them off of a subject, kids deal with abstractions every day, it's just a matter of explaining these things in terms they're familiar with...which IYOCG handles pretty well. It should be a good foundation for your own work. :)
Always use easy assignments but illustrative one with the kids. Games wud be nice and also some image processing wud be cool.

You may use pyGame and GoogleAPI to play around with Google Maps too. Choice is typically yours.

Best of Luck!!

For more info:
Discussions for IT People>

Mohd Anwar Jamal Faiz
Tamim Shahriar said…
This one should be useful while teaching Python:
RGUKT Student said…
you can download thinkcspy book from net it may be useful
RGUKT Student said…
u can download thinkcspy book from net it may be useful 4 u
Unknown said…
My 12 year old daughter liked playing with the exercises in Think Python ( )

To be honest, so did I :)

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