Python program to find the next palindrome

Yesterday I wrote a Python program to find the next palindrome to solve this problem from SPOJ. My first accepted solution took four seconds to run. Today I improved the code and now it takes 1.13 seconds. In the rank-list I found people solving this problem with Python program that finishes execution in less than half seconds. Wondering whether I am missing any trick or not using Python properly. :-S

The problem is simple.
A positive integer is called a palindrome if its representation in the decimal system is the same when read from left to right and from right to left. For a given positive integer K of not more than 1000000 digits, write the value of the smallest palindrome larger than K to output. Numbers are always displayed without leading zeros.

As the number can be as large as 1000000 digits, stupid solutions won't finish it's execution in time (thus will get 'Time Limit Exceeded').

I am not going to explain my logic in detail, as I don't want to deprive you of the fun of solving problem. What I basically did was to divide the number into two parts, did some comparison between the corresponding characters (digits) and applied some logics. As soon as I realize that there is some change which made the number larger than it was, I get out of the loop. I don't make any change to the second part of the string, as it's a palindrome, I can generate it from the first part.

If you want to solve the problem, don't forget to test your program using the following numbers:


Here is my code:
def palin(s):        
    word_len = len(s)
    if word_len == 1:
        if s == "9":
            return "11"
            return str(int(s)+1)                
    if word_len % 2 == 0:        
        m = ''
        m = s[word_len/2]
    h1 = (word_len / 2) - 1           
    h2 = (word_len + 1) / 2
    i = h1
    j = h2
    if m:    
        while s[i] == s[j]:
            i -= 1
            j += 1
            if i < 0: break
        if i < 0 or s[i] < s[j]:
            if m == '9':
                m = "0"
                m = str(int(m) + 1)
                return s[:h1+1] + m + s[h1::-1]
    while i >= 0:
        if s[i] > s[j]:
        elif s[i] < s[j]:            
            s = s[:i] + str(int(s[i]) + 1) + "0" * h1              
        elif i > 0: 
            k = i - 1
            l = j + 1
            while s[k] == s[l]:
                k -= 1
                l += 1
                if k < 0: break
            if k >= 0:
                if s[k] < s[l]:
                    if s[i] == '9':
                        s = s[:i] + '0' + s[i+1:]
                        x = str(int(s[i]) + 1)
                        s = s[:i] + x + s[i+1:]
                i = k + 1
                j = l - 1
                if s[i] == '9':
                    s = s[:i] + '0' + s[i+1:]                    
                    x = str(int(s[i]) + 1)
                    s = s[:i] + x + s[i+1:]                    
            if s[i] == '9':
                s = s[:i] + '1' + s[i+1:]
                m += '0'                
        i -= 1
        j += 1
    return s[:h1+1] + m + s[h1::-1]
t = int(raw_input())

while t:
    t -= 1
    s = raw_input()        
    print palin(s)
Let me know if you can come up with faster and / or more Pythonic solution.


It's really great to find you solving on SPOJ !! :)
Tamim Shahriar said…
Yeah, trying to improve my Python coding skill at this old age. ;)
Jayadeep(JDP) said…
I couldn't get my python program execute in time :(

The other guys who got faster than you may be using some buffering of the results ?
Here is mine code, it is shorter, but not sure if it is faster

import sys

while True:
line = sys.stdin.readline()
dat = line.strip()
got = False
while not got:
lsiz = len(dat)/2
ksiz = (len(dat)+1)/2
if lsiz == 0:
d = int(dat[0])
print d < 9 and d + 1 or 11

for l in xrange(lsiz-1, -1, -1):
r = -1 * (l+1)
if dat[l] == dat[r]:
if dat[l] < dat[r]:
dat = str(int(dat[:ksiz]) + 1)
got = True
print "%s%s" % (dat[:ksiz], dat[(lsiz-1)::-1])

if not got:
dat = str(int(dat) + 1)
Dude said…
Hum, I should really find my code for finding the next and the previous paldidrome.

So, if the user inputs 100 it will return 101 and 99 (the first after and the first before) palindrome.

However, my code is MUCH MUCH smaller than this, why is it so large? I'll try to post it here if I find it.
Dude said…
Here's my WAY shorter code for this job:

def getLowerPalindrome(x):
stringx = str(x)
for i in range(x-1,0,-1):
if str(i) == str(i)[::-1]:
return i

def getHigherPalindrome(x):
stringx = str(x)
for i in range(x+1,9999):
if str(i) == str(i)[::-1]:
return i

if __name__=='__main__':
print getLowerPalindrome(100)
print getHigherPalindrome(100)

What do you think? Much simpler and easier.
packetpirate said…
Why did it take you so many lines of code just to check if a number was a palindrome?

def isPalindrome(s):
sList = list(str(s))
reversedList = sList[:]
palindrome = True
for i in range(0,len(s)):
a = sList[i]
b = reversedList[i]
if a != b:
palindrome = False
return palindrome
Tamim Shahriar said…
Try to solve this problem:, then you will understand. :)
packetpirate said…
"Try"? It took me five minutes...

def isPalindrome(s):
sList = list(str(s))
reversedList = sList[:]
palindrome = True
for i in range(0,len(str(s))):
a = sList[i]
b = reversedList[i]
if a != b:
palindrome = False
return palindrome

def nextPalindrome(n):
found = False
num = n
while found == False:
num += 1
found = True
return num

myNum = int(input("Enter a number: "))
print("The next palindrome number is: " + str(nextPalindrome(myNum)))

It took you five minutes to code, but it will take forever to execute for larger inputs.

Have you actually read the problem statement? It requires you to find the next palindrome of 1 million digit number, not a number below 1 million.
Eshan Chowdhury said…
I also wrote about palindromic number. It's in python. You can check it
Luke Dunn said…
def odd(x):
    return len(str(x))%2==1

def above(x):
    return x >= rev(x)

def rev(x):
    first_part = a[0:len(a)/2]
    if not odd(x):
        return int(first_part+first_part[::-1])
        return int(first_part+a[len(a)/2]+first_part[::-1])

def bump(x):
    half_point = len(a)/2
    if odd(x):
        first_half = a[0:half_point+1]
        second_half = a[half_point+1:]
        first_half = a[0:half_point]
        second_half = a[half_point:]
    finished = str(first_int)+second_half
    return rev(finished)

def nex(x):
    if len(str(x))==1:
        return 11
    if above(x):
        return bump(x)
        return rev(x)

guess = raw_input('>')
print nex(int(guess))
Jess said…
Yours seems like a ton of code. Why would mine not work?

def next_palindrome(number):
if number == 9:
return 11
if number < 9:
return number+1
temp = str(number)
length = len(temp)
plus = 0
if temp == temp[::-1]:
plus = 1
if length % 2:
beginning = str(int(temp[:(length/2)+1]) + plus)
next = int(beginning + beginning[:-1][::-1])
beginning = str(int(temp[:length/2]) + plus)
next = int(beginning + beginning[::-1])
if next <= number:
return next_palindrome(next)
return next

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