Create Facebook Application in Python using App Engine

So far I have used PHP for all the facebook applications that I (and my other team members) have developed. Today I was thinking about using Python to develop a facebook app. After Google search I found some links and at the same time I asked one of my ex-colleagues whether he used Python for any facebook application (as I knew that he was exploring Google App Engine and also Facebook app development). Then he told me that there is already a sample application in facebook that uses Python and most interestingly Google app engine! The application is named 'Run With Friends'. Though I have seen this page before but never looked at it closely. So, I think this page is the right place to get started creating facebook app in Python and GAE:

The project I am planning to do might take 4 to 6 months (if I get regular free time). Let me know if you have already done any interesting facebook app using Google app engine.


ad said…
Hi Tamim...i think i finally got to right place....had been searching for this for a long time ...i guess this helps.....
asto said…
Check out my mini tutorial on creating python facebook apps on Google App Engine!
Unknown said…
Hi Tamim, this is what i was looking for
if you have any update please share

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