calculate age from date of birth

I just needed to write a function in python that calculates age from birthday (date of birth). In stackoverflow I found couple of good discussions here and here. I picked up the following code from the later post, as it's very simple and works for my purpose:
def calculate_age(born):
    today =
        birthday = born.replace(year=today.year)
    except ValueError: # raised when birth date is February 29 and the current year is not a leap year
        birthday = born.replace(year=today.year,
    if birthday > today:
        return today.year - born.year - 1
        return today.year - born.year

if __name__ == "__main__":
    day, month, year = [int(x) for x in "7/11/1982".split("/")]
    born = date(year, month, day)
    print calculate_age(born)


erlebnishengst said…
Or use datetime.timedelta

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