Merge Sort Implementation in Python

Today I post the python implementation of merge sort. This is straight-forward implementation of the algorithm presented in the book Introduction to Algorithms [CLRS]. If you think the implementation can be more Pythonic, feel free to comment.

Here is my code:
def merge(li, start, mid, end):
  left_li = []
  left_li.extend(li[start : mid+1])
  right_li = []
  right_li.extend(li[mid+1: end+1])
  i = 0
  j = 0
  for k in range(start, end+1):
    if left_li[i] <= right_li[j]:
      li[k] = left_li[i]
      i += 1
      li[k] = right_li[j]
      j += 1

def merge_sort(li, start, end):
  if start < end:
    mid = (start + end) / 2
    merge_sort(li, start, mid)
    merge_sort(li, mid+1, end)
    merge(li, start, mid, end)

if __name__ == "__main__": 
  li = [5, 2, 4, 7, 1, 3, 2, 6, -4]
  print li
  merge_sort(li, 0, len(li)-1)
  print li
You can test the merge sort implementation against this problem:


PRAJ said…
Probably a more pythonic implementation of merge sort:

def merge_sort(series):
iseries = [[i] for i in series]
while len(iseries) > 1:
iseries = [merge(a,b) if b else a for a,b in map(None,*[iter(iseries)]*2) ]
return iseries[0]

def merge(A, B):
[(A if A[0]>B[0] else B).pop(0) for i in A+B if len(A) and len(B)>0]
+ A + B

print merge_sort([1,2,3,91,22,42,11,4,5,6])
Ashok B said…
Wow Praj! Care you comment your code and how it does what it does?

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